Thursday, February 14, 2008

Show / Hide Pidgin Buddy List

I had been looking for a way to easily show and hide the Pidgin buddy list via a keyboard shortcut. My instinct was of course to use AutoHotkey. It turns out AHK has some issues with manipulating things in the system tray, where Pidgin resides when I close the buddy list. I got around this by having the AHK script call up the Pidgin executable file again. Pidgin is smart enough to know it is already running, and will simply call up the buddy list to the front. If the buddy list is already up, the script closes it. I tied this action to Win+B. Here's the code I used:

;----Pidgin buddy List Show/Hide
IfWinActive Buddy List
WinClose Buddy List
} else {
Run "C:\Program Files\Pidgin\Pidgin.exe"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't know if you'll ever see this but thanks a lot for your script! I was having the same problem (looking for a shortcut to show/hide pidgin's buddy list) until I found this!